Youth Sports

Youth Baseball
Hueytown Youth Baseball is a USSSA Little League program
The baseball park is located at:
2501 Brooklane Drive, Hueytown
Web: hueytownyouthbaseball.com
Fastpitch softball
The softball park is located at:
512 Pinewood Ave, Hueytown, AL 35023
Web: hueytownfastpitchsoftball.com
Facebook: facebook.com/hueytownfastpitch

Youth Soccer
Hueytown Youth Soccer Club is affiliated with Alabama Soccer Association, Alabama Youth Academy, and Central Alabama Soccer Association (CASL). Program open to boys and girls ages 3-18
The soccer fields are located at:
151 Forest Road, Hueytown AL 35023
Facebook: facebook.com/hueytownsoccer
Youth Football and Cheer

Hueytown Youth Football (Hueytown Gophers) practice facility is located at:
508 Forest Road, Hueytown AL 35023
(Games are played at Hueytown High School:
4881 15th Street Rd, Hueytown AL 35023)
Web: hueytownyouthfootball.com
Facebook: Hueytown Gophers